Where Your Memories Matter

Decades of Expertise in Memorials and Funeral Services

Custom Made Granite Memorials and Bronze Plaques

I believe that no two people are alike, so your memorial should also be unique—an everlasting epitaph to life. It is important to remember that our only limitation is our imagination.

Whether you are selecting a memorial for a loved one who has passed away or choosing your own, talk to me. Tell me what that life was all about. All this will start my part; the design process.

My Pledge to You!

Sometimes this is called a mission statement, guarantee, or warranty. I call it my promise, my word, and my bond. This is my commitment that I will treat you with the utmost respect and forward all the dignity you are deserving of.
I don't just want you to be happy that you gave me the opportunity to help you with this monumental decision. I want you to be thrilled. And when you see what I have created for you, you will know that you made the right choice. I give you my word.
There is much more that makes me stand alone in the industry. I am not a stone dealer or salesperson. I am a memorial designer. Let me show you the difference.

Sincerely and Respectfully,

Michael Weaver